Three Sundays Series: Live and Recorded


 Finding the Narrow, Creative Road Between Crazy and Brilliant

Register - $65

Invitation to Three Sundays in May


The ability to have faith in our very own, particularly wild way is essential for all creative breakthroughs.

Creative breakthroughs are what we seek all our lives, whether they be artistic, entrepreneurial, financial or emotional, but real breakthroughs only arrive when we combine our best gifts with what others might consider a little wildness. Individual brilliance almost never finds a true outlet unless it can break through the strictures of our surroundings by carrying a slight, sharp edge of craziness to cut through our habitual routines and our habitual conforming. Brilliance needs wildness not only to break through the strictures of society but also to loosen the constraints of our own minds. Our relationship with the ever-moving constellations of the wild, natural world around us are often a measure of our intimacy or distance from our own wildness.

Almost every real achievement that has earned a broad audience or the acclamation of society or posterity has been authored by someone who took an approach that was inimitably their own, that was confidently emblematic of the way they were made and the way in turn, that they made a world. In other words they took an approach that others call eccentric. This series looks at our ability to understand and gain confidence in our own wild ways, and then to build disciplines and what only look like ‘routines’ around these abilities. These routines are really a form of daily ritual investigation, involving real time for the self, as a vehicle for maturing and bringing to the world whatever brilliance we might have hidden inside us.

In our attempt at whatever breakthrough we wish to make, our own eccentricities and very particular approaches are to be prized and nurtured, but they can also very easily be suppressed by the glare of others or the pressure of society. The ability to have faith in our very own, often very particularly wild way, not as a selfish indulgent path, but as the way we will give our gifts generously to others, is essential for all creative breakthroughs.

But, but but… our real brilliance never lies in our individual powers alone, which by themselves can become isolated and in fact, powerless to move. Our real brilliance is more often in all the ways we learn to ask for help from others: in order to bring our internal conversation to fruition in the outer world. Asking for help, and especially from unexpected quarters and from unexpected people, has a whole wild and radical quality in itself. Asking for help opens us to a proper experience of radical wildness, it asks us to get over ourselves while explaining ourselves at a deeper and more elemental level.

Join David Whyte to look at our long traditions, in poetry, in Zen teaching, in all forms of artistry, and from the experience of his own slightly mad life, that bring together all the crazy, the wild and the eccentric with all the ways his individual gifts have needed and been given crucial help from others.

A tiny bit of crazy multiplied by just a little brilliance often goes a very long way toward creating a more interesting life and a more interesting work. Crazy and brilliant have a large magnifying effect when brought together, far beyond a life where our best gifts never see the closed doors blown open by way of a little, unsettling but necessary wildness.

Register - $65
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Three Sundays Testimonials

These beautiful sessions have buoyed me so through the months - now nearly years - of this pandemic. Your words have spoken to me for many years (The House of Belonging is still my favorite, all the pages well worn and the binding frayed). Your choices of theme and poems always seemed divinely timed to what I needed to hear, or to ponder. My creativity has soared, and I have been inspired to let go of old wants and dreams that no longer fit, to be less "hard on myself for wanting what I want," and to really accept that I deserve to have the life I want.


Tremendous possibilities now in focus, realizing the wisdom behind thinking and living with the theme that no matter what, “ everything is still possible.” Can’t thank you enough. Every session gets better and better.


Since I’ve followed your Sundays series beginning in January this year, I’ve gained perspective on why I’m still here (on the planet.) Because of illness and separation from family, I could not see beyond my own misery. Writing didn’t come easily UNTIL I stopped. Thank you for taking us deep into the inner journey. A new door has opened, actually it’s an old, old garden gate and my job was to untangle the overgrowth that was hiding it. Blessings!  


"Each time, I have been very moved by what you say and how you've said it. Thank you for being a voice of inspiration, kindness, acceptance, and honesty through this strangely beautiful and transformative time."

- Participant, Three Sundays Series


Thank you for these Sundays that you have been doing throughout the pandemic. They have held my heart and body and mind in such a gentle and honest embrace.

- J.N.


This is opening up some exciting possibilities!

- J.C.

BREAKTHROUGH: Finding the Narrow, Creative Road Between Crazy and Brilliant begins Sunday, May 12th at 10:00am Pacific Time









How the Series Works 

BREAKTHROUGH: Finding the Narrow, Creative Road Between Crazy and Brilliant is centered around three 75-minute livestream sessions delivered via Zoom webconferencing software.  

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3 Livestream Sessions

Each session will include an hour long talk followed by a 15-minute Q&A.  

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Resource Guides

You will receive preparatory materials offering food for thought for creating an environment to engage with the series, as well as a detailed resource guide following each session.

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Each session will include time for David to respond to questions and themes from listeners, which can be submitted live in the Zoom Q&A box.

Frequently Asked Questions